Welcome to the World of Isaac Murdoch

We are in special times. Never in the History of Humanity have we been faced with the challenges that we are now. Climate change is here and the World is changing fast. I truly believe that when we put our hearts together and unite for the Earth and people, we can achieve anything. When we lift up our people and recognize the strengths and gifts of others, we can be a force of nature. Together we will win!

Aapiji gwa naa nonggwa kina gegoo chi zhiwebat. Gaayii gwa wiikaa e`bemaadizit gii bi waabdaziin nonngwaa ezhiwebiziiying. Weyiip nonggwa gegoo bi aansemigat naasaap ge ezhiiyaamigak gojiing, eshkam ge bi wiizho`oomgat. Ndoo ndwetaan wiigwa, Iishpin kina mi maamiwiizing maanda ji da akiiminaa, ka shkitamaami gwa. Pii gaazimaaying Anishinaabek miinwaa ge ezhi maandaawshkewziwaad miinwaa ezhi zoongde`eyaad, aapji gwa ka zoongaabwiimi. Ka kinaagemi dash.

“Look, there’s a Heart in the Tree!”
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